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Our work depends on contributions from those who wish to further the practice of mindfulness in the workplace
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The history of the Mindful Workplace Community

The Mindfulness Initiative (MI) grew out of a programme of mindfulness teaching for politicians in the UK Parliament. Benefiting greatly from personal practice, UK MPs and peers became curious about the wider policy implications for mindfulness, leading to the 2014 Mindful Nation UK Inquiry and report – which has since seen major policy recommendations implemented in the UK. Now, this group works with legislators around the world who practise mindfulness, helping them to make capacities of heart and mind serious considerations of public policy. Based on research into the benefits, limitations, opportunities and challenges, they educate and support leaders, service-commissioners and the general public on accessing and implementing mindfulness training.

The MI formed several strands to support the development of mindfulness in various sectors, including the Workplace. Working groups were established to inquire into the existing landscape and opportunities to grow. In 2016 the Workplace group published the document Building the Case for Mindfulness in the Workplace, which has since been downloaded over 30,000 times. Building on this success, the MI moved in 2019 to create an international workplace community, opening the conversation to all who wish to join and advance this field.

The Mindful Workplace Community is affiliated to parent charity The Mindfulness Initiative, the world’s first policy institute focused on mindfulness and compassion training. The Mindfulness Initiative is dedicated to exploring the potential for mindfulness in politics and public life.