MWC online launch event
This online zoom event will give anyone who missed the launch at HSBC that took place on Monday 10th February an opportunity to watch the inspiring presentations from speakers Mari Thorman (HSBC) and Matt Champion from (SAP).
In addition, Jamie Bristow (Director) The Mindfulness Initiative (MI) will give an overview of mindfulness in society and Andrew McNeill (MI Workplace lead) will share the purpose of the Mindful Workplace Community.
There will be amply opportunity to answer all your questions.
Provisional Agenda
5.00 – 5.07 pm: Jamie Bristow, Director, Mindfulness Initiative. Welcome and update on mindfulness in society, and the importance of a workplace community.
5.07 – 5.15 pm: Andrew McNeill, Workplace Policy Lead, Mindfulness Initiative. Background to the creation of the MWC.
5.15 – 5.22 pm: Mari Thorman, Chief Enterprise Business Architect, Global Corporate Banking, Chair of mindfulness @HSBC network. Why mindfulness is important in a multinational financial institution.
5.22 – 5.30 pm: Matt Champion, Customer Innovation Director and Global Mindfulness@SAP.
Why mindfulness is important in a multinational software
5.30 pm – 5.40 pm: Jamie Bristow and Andrew McNeill
The Mindful Workplace Community
BREAK OUTS 5.40-5.55
5.55 pm – 6.30 pm: Q&A
REGISTER for this Online Launch Event via Zoom